À propos de

Pourquoi un indice des PME vertes, numériques et compétitives ?

Il s’agit d’un projet qui s’étend sur plusieurs années et qui est destiné à soutenir les PME dans la double transition et à accompagner le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe de la Commission européenne. Il part d'un concept bien connu dans le domaine du conseil en management : pour changer quelque chose, il faut d’abord pouvoir le mesurer. Dans cette optique, cet indice adopte une approche innovante en termes de performances des PME au niveau national, dans trois domaines clés : 1) l'environnement: À quelle vitesse les PME s'orientent-elles vers une réduction des émissions et une augmentation de leur rentabilité énergétique ? 2) le numérique : À quelle vitesse ces entreprises adoptent-elles les technologies modernes au sein de leurs structures respectives? et 3) la compétitivité : à quelle vitesse les PME se développent-elles et quelles sont leurs performances en dehors de leurs marchés nationaux ?

The project is managed and led by Lisbon Council Research, the scientific arm of the Lisbon Council, a Brussels-based think tank. The views presented are those of the authors.

The principal authors and project team would like to thank Amazon for its support throughout the project. Thanks as well to the numerous entrepreneurs who took time to share their experience – and to friends and associates who kindly critiqued early drafts and offered many useful suggestions. A full list is included in the acknowledgements section of the print edition. Any errors of fact or judgement are the authors’ sole responsibility.

Download The 2023 Green, Digital and Competitive Index

The 2022 edition is also available. Download The 2022 Green, Digital and Competitive Index.

Pour en savoir plus sur le Lisbon Council, consultez le site https://www.lisboncouncil.net


The Green, Digital and Competitive SME Index is a ranking composed of three pillars, nine indicators and 22 sub-indicators. The data used to build the index comes entirely from public sources. All scores are computed using the most recent data available at the close of 2022 (taking June 2023 as the data freezing point). The sub-indicator data ranges from the period 2020 to 2022, depending on the most recent year available for the sub-indicator in question.

Indice 2022 des PME Vertes Numériques et Compétitives – Piliers, indicateurs et sous-indicateurs
Pilier Indicateur Sous-indicateur Source
I. Transition numérique I.1 Numérisation des PME I.1.1 Data Analytics Eurostat
I.1.2 Cloud Computing Eurostat
I.1.3 Social Media Eurostat
I.1.4 High Digital Intensity Eurostat
I.1.5 ICT Security Eurostat
I.2 Commerce en ligne I.2.1 E-commerce Sales Eurostat
I.2.2 E-commerce Turnover Eurostat
I.3 Compétences numériques I.3.1 ICT Specialists Eurostat
I.3.2 ICT In-house Eurostat
I.3.3 Training Eurostat
II. Transition écologique II.1 Conservation des ressources naturelles II.1.1 Consumption European Commission
II.1.2 Recycling European Commission
II.1.3 Circular Material Use Rate Eurostat
II.2 Réduction des émissions II.2.1 SME Emissions Eurostat
II.2.2 Overall Change in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Eurostat
II.3 Production verte II.3.1 SME Green Products European Commission
II.3.2 SME in Green Sectors Eurostat
III. Compétitivité des PME III.1 Exportations III.1.1 Exporting SMEs Eurostat
III.1.2 SME International Trade Eurostat
III.2 Productivité III.2.1 SME Labour Productivity Eurostat
III.3 Croissance III.3.1 High-Growth Enterprises Eurostat
III.3.2 High-Growth Employment Eurostat

The main aggregation method used is the arithmetic average. All pillars, indicators and sub-indicators have been assigned equal weights in the aggregation process. Therefore, an indicator's performance is computed as the arithmetic average of the sub-indicators included in the indicator. Similarly, a pillar's performance is the arithmetic average of the indicators included in the pillar. The overall assessment of a country is the arithmetic average of the component pillars.

From an aggregation perspective, the normalisation method used to standardise the sub-indicators' values is the min-max, with a normalisation range of 10 to 100. For the majority of the sub-indicators (20 of 22 indicators), the highest value corresponds to the best performance (100 points), while the lowest value is considered the worst performance (10 points). For two sub-indicators, II.2.1 SME Emissions and II.2.2 Overall Change in Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the method is reversed: the lowest value gets the highest score (100 points) and the highest value gets the lowest one (10 points).

Vous pouvez commenter directement les indicateurs et la méthode sur https://makingspeechestalk.com/ch/GDC/?id_speech=79


L'indice et le tableau de bord sont entièrement basés sur des données officielles et publiquement disponibles de la Commission européenne et d'Eurostat. Les publications et bases de données suivantes ont servi de points de référence clés. La date d'accès, le cas échéant, est également incluse.

European Commission. Flash Eurobarometer 498: SMEs, Green Markets and Resource Efficiency (Brussels: European Commission, 2022)

Eurostat. Digital Economy and Society, Information and Communication Technology Usage in Enterprises, online version, accessed June 2023

--------------. Sustainable Development Indicators, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, online version, accessed June 2023

--------------. Sustainable Development Indicators, Goal 13: Climate Action, online version, accessed June 2023

--------------. Structural Business Statistics, online version, accessed June 2023

--------------. Air Emissions Accounts, online version, accessed February 2023

--------------. Annual National Accounts, online version, accessed June 2023

--------------. International Trade in Goods, online version, accessed June 2023